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Welcome to our Plant-Based Living and Workout Blog! Discover delicious eateries, healing foods, and tips on taking action for sustainable options and animal rights. Join us and subscribe for professional workout advice as we embrace a healthier, compassionate lifestyle together!

May 8, 2021
Top 3 Natural Skin Care Products
Don’t have a skin routine? It’s never too late or too early to start! It might take a lot of trial and error but always choose products
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Apr 27, 2021
Green Smoothie 30-Day Challenge
I’m on day 10 of my 30day GREEN smoothie challenge! WHY did I start this and HOW am I feeling ? WHY A NEW CHALLENGE? Yes I’m still vegan!...
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Jan 31, 2021
How to: Be Vegan (Part 5)
Read my TOP FIVE REASONS on why going vegan CAN BE expensive:
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Jan 18, 2021
How to: Be Vegan (Part 4)
New year, new opportunity to make a change! In celebration of Martin Luther King Jr., I am writing to remind that we cannot continue to...
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Nov 27, 2020
How to: Be Vegan (Part 3)
Still thinking of going vegan or are you currently doing a vegan challenge? Keep reading. Here is step three out of five things to do
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Oct 22, 2020
How to: Be Vegan (Part 2)
Thinking of going vegan or doing a vegan challenge? Here’s step two of five things to do and think about while embarking on your vegan...
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Oct 12, 2020
How to: Be Vegan (Part 1)
Thinking of going vegan or doing a vegan challenge? Here is everything you need to embark on your vegan journey! 1. Ask yourself, why? So...
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Oct 6, 2020
The Fall Vegan Starter Pack
Here are 5 things you should think about doing for the fall season, have you checked any off your list? It's already fall, don't miss out...
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Jul 21, 2020
Carrot Juice-Healing Journey (Part 1)
Can juicing really heal your body? The short answer is yes! It really depends on what area of the body you are trying to heal. From...
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Jun 5, 2020
Eating Out With Non-Vegan Friends
Most of my friends aren’t vegan what should I do? I created 5 tips on how to go about going out to eat with your animal-eating friends.
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Feb 3, 2020
Where to Stop Buying Foods (Pt.3)
This is the last of my THREE-PART SERIES of my trip to south Florida learning about FARMER's RIGHTS and FOOD JUSTICE.
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Jan 18, 2020
Traveling Vegan
What should I pack if I’m traveling to non-vegan friendly city? My winter break for school was about a month—what did I do? As you know I...
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Sep 10, 2019
How do you convince people to eat plant-based? This one is a tough!! There are THREE SECRETS to helping your best friend, girlfriend,...
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